Elaine Watts
Watercolourist and Printmaker


Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone. Even if the date in half of the world is still March 16!

This will be the last post from Australia as I'm on the countdown. It's getting too cold here & it's time to head north! During the last 3 1/2 months I've been some old places , some new places (Tasmania, Kyneton) and seen almost everyone I hoped to see this trip. A visit to South Australia to see some cousins was all that was missing. It's been a few months of variety, surprises, and changes to plans--including a family wedding late just before New Year's and the switch of a trip to climb to the top of Australia (Mount Kosciusko) instead of the planned New Zealand hike. And another trip to Queensland last week! I've painted quite a bit although lately I have to say it's been the last thing on my mind.Black Snake in SydneyGreat photo, hope it doesn't scare you!

Also reflecting on the last few months it seems there have been an unprecedented amount of "natural" disasters, in first-world countries. Like everyone else in the world who has access to TV and internet, the images are on a level that I haven't seen before. Absolutely stunning. Being on the road myself during this period, and relatively near or possibly near two of these areas (Queensland, Christchurch) at the times has made me aware of how many times I think of people I know, in other areas of the world...and from the emails they are also thinking of me. In many ways the technology we have has the potential to make us more aware of others, have a more tightly knit sense of connection, if not quite community. On the downside I've found that over the past few weeks, with all that's been going on, painting and practising my professed career has been far from my thoughts, let alone actions. I'm hopeful that when I return to Vancouver and settle into a more regular pattern my desire the record the beautiful things in life will re-emerge.

Almost a quarter of 2011 has gone by. My plans for the year have had some time to incubate and become more solid over the last two months, and while they may not be so focused as last year (for example, last year's big effort was getting this website up, as well as doing 3 big shows), in a sense I have an emerging sense of my practise and my path--of living life as an artist, developing my work and my exposure, and networking with other artists, informally and formally (I am now a member of the Port Moody Art Association ( www.portmoodyartassociation.com ) after a 3 year waiting period!).

It feels like I have a perspective on art and life that I haven't noticed before. In the past I have been told that I have an excellent "big-picture" awareness that is most useful in moving forward--seeing the terrain around, keeping an eye on the horizon, early awareness of opportunities and threats, along with an unstoppable-ness in moving in the intended direction. We'll see how that all works this year as I return to the north on my annual migration.

Next time I write it'll be spring--I hope!